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Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Dear all:

         本屆瓊斯盃的重點  中韓大戰 將在本週五登場,為了在星期五得到勝利

        The toughest game in this Jones cup, Taipei vs Korea, will be played on this Friday night,
In order to win this game, we have a practice game for you guys to beat Korean~

We play in the river side this week

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Dear all,

小弟我在新公司度過了第一個禮拜, 來到這裡目前做的事情也只有 K spec

待這邊的感想就是餐廳有夠難吃… 哈~ 還曾害我吃完拉肚子


然而這邊地處偏僻, 外出吃飯還得開車個 5~10 分鐘

所以我只好繼續忍受, 只求能填飽肚子就好 orz 反正一餐 35 不貴…

因此在這午餐都是速戰速決, 不像在 ia 可以悠哉的外出用餐

我猜大家的目的也是中午能多睡一點, 至少這邊的人給我感覺是這樣

大概是因為他們都很晚下班, 午覺不睡飽一點晚上撐不下去 XD

此外這邊也沒有便利商店, 只有一間兩坪大的迷你福利社

咖啡店賣的熱咖啡又小杯又貴, 也不怎麼好喝 (只有美式和焦糖拿鐵, 我要摩卡啦~ 翻桌)

來到這目前認識的大概也只有 10 個人吧, 只有跟國中同學比較有聊

雖然同事也很熱心解答問題, 但總覺都是公務往來, 彼此間沒什麼私交

或許是因為我和組內同仁還不夠熟吧, 不過對我也都挺照顧

然而因為我這組的老大個性比較嚴謹, 造就出來的氣氛就沒那麼輕鬆

剛看了 iaBasketball 的相片, 還真想念大家親切的臉龐~

另外昨天報告第一份 spec, 發現我竟然小緊張了一下 XD

想當年研究所報告幾十篇 paper, 臉皮超厚都沒在怕, 根本不知道緊張是什麼 :p

不過算一算都已經兩三年沒有負責報告了, 又是到新環境, 緊張也還算正常

由於公司沒辦法使用 MSN, 只好透過 e-mail 來向大家閒聊一下近況





Dear All:
         now comes the annual basketball event in Taiwn, Jones cup. Although now there is no Doctor of Basketball, Chih-Lung Cheng playing and the game is not so exciting like years ago,  but the team this year is young and energetic


And this year, Chinese-Taipei Team has recruited  all the jumpers back to play Jones Cup.
So allow me to introduce them for everybody

首先就是野獸 同時也是前台啤隊的主力得分手 現在在大陸打球的 林志傑

First, it's a famous player called 'The Beast' , Chih-Chien Lin, who is playing in China now
When SBL just starts, he has broken the basket once!!!

第二位 就是有台灣飛人之稱 也是前裕隆隊主力前鋒的 陳信安

The Second , has a famous name called 'Taiwan Flyer' , Hsin-An Chen
He has once slam-dunk in front of Yao-Ming, the former NBA player of China

第三位 就是新一代的飛人 張宗憲
The Third one, is the youngest jumper, called Jet , who is playing basketball in Brigham Young Univ of Hawaii , His name is Chang

那就是 我們的版主 Yoshi

And Last jumper, who we can also see him tonight , is our editor-in-chief, Yoshi~~~

至於中華台北今晚的對手 就是Jordan嘍
As to our opponents, it will be Jordan

Not me 

it's a nation in far mid-east called Jordan

So let's watch the game tonight and cheer on Chinese-Taipei Basketball Team

Monday, August 8, 2011


大家有沒有跟你的把拔說聲  父親節快樂呀~~~~

Happy Father's Day to our two great fathers, Leo and Austin

親愛的Leo & Austin (當年的LA boys)  


另外 還沒有成為把拔的

For those hasn't become a Daddy yet
please work more harder~~ ^_^
See if you can have a nice Chinese Valentine Day last Saturday then have a Father's Day today XD........

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Hi all,

由於個人職涯規劃的關係而離開了ia, 兩年多來的日子受到大家不少照顧

畢業感言寫了好多版本, 但發現每次都愈寫愈多... 實在是太多話想說

其實要換個新的環境, 我的內心雖然抱有期待, 但也不免會感到不安

畢竟在ia這個大家庭, 已經習慣了有大家陪伴一起歡笑的日子

想當初寄出辭呈的時候, 內心真是百感交集, 不捨之情頓時湧上心頭

哭點很低的我還一度眼眶泛淚, 原來要做這決定真的是需要勇氣

離職當晚, 發現自己已經沒辦法登入iaMail, 才驚覺自己真的已經不屬於ia

一時之間心情還真有點難以接受, 以後再也沒辦法在iaBasketball看大家嘴砲了

在ia這段日子, 要感謝的人實在太多了, 總是受到大家許多的照顧

小弟我個性內向, 比較不善於表達自己的情感, 平常總是裝瘋賣傻的(不包含嘴砲)

但是大家的一切一切, 小弟我都會永遠記在心底, 因為實在太難忘

嚴格說來, ia算是我待的第一家公司(前一家倒了, 而且我只是個推車小弟...)

能夠有機會待在ia這大家庭是幸運的, 我很慶幸自己曾經是這裡的一份子

希望以後還能夠和大家保持聯絡, 也願這份友情常存你我的心裡

最後要謝謝大家給予的支持和祝福, 小弟我由衷地感謝

即使未來了日子充滿了許多不確定性, 但我相信彼此的情誼是不會變的

以後大家有機會到苗栗的話, 記得要call我

雖然我對苗栗不是很熟(還虧我是苗栗人 orz), 但提供住宿充當司機我很樂意

有機會參加活動的話, 也別忘了找小弟我, 能和大家共同揮汗是最快樂的事

衷心感謝大家並祝福大家工作順利, 也祝福ia這大家庭



Hi All

   Due to my personal career plan, so I have chosen to leave IA, As to this letter,

I have written many versions for it, but in the end, I found I have too much

to say.....and too much to write. Although I am quite looking forward to my new

career, but I think I may still feel alone and unsafe in the new environment.

After all, in IA it feels like being in a big family, I am already quite getting used

to it and having a lot of fun about it. When I decided to handout my resignation letter,

my heart became so emotional and I even can't stop my tears, it turned out that

it really took courage to make this decision.

    In the evening I left IA, I found out I can't log on to iaMail already, and

all of a sudden, I just realized that I already don't belong to IA, I may not join

iaBasetball again, it's really hard to accept this in such a short time.

    During these days in IA, there are too many people to thank, because I am always

the one needs to be taking care of. Honest to say, I am a shy  person, and I

am not good at expressing myself, but I will remember everyone and everything here

in the rest of my life. It's really a great pleasure and privilege to be here in

this IA big family, and I am glad that I was one of'em once. Hope that we can still

keep in touch in the future, and although that there are too many uncertainties in the future

but I still hope this friendship will live long deep inside our hearts.

    Finally many thanks for your kindly help and great support in these 2 years. Wish you

all have a good career, and wish this big family go quite well in the future




I'll treasure every single moment on the court with you guys!

所以即使到了當天  台北下起雨來

This time is the last time for Alvin to join the event of iaBasketball
And he has also said before
"I'll treasure every single moment on the court with you guys!"
So even at that day, it started to rain in Taiepi
He still insists that He needs to play basketball with us,  for that very last time!!!

Alvin , Fanny & Luke

Alvin與最強的隊友合拍 Austin & Red

Alvin 和 美國大學隊合拍 Roger & Angus

Alvin與 布萊恩&布萊恩朋友 小劉


雖然燈光不好 但我們還是再來看看Alvin在場上的英姿吧!!!!
Everybody is watching Alvin on the court 

看完了場上 接下來就要看場下嘍~~~

After we see Alvin on the court , now we are going to see 'Alvin off the court'~


人不是我殺的 火不是我放的 我們是怕你會滑倒才會抱住你的喔~~~
Stay Safe , Dont try this at home

Final group picture

就讓我們來祝福Alvin 也希望他的新工作能一切順利嘿~~~
好好加油嘍 Alvin

Let's bless Alvin , and hope that everyyhing of his new life will be totally fine~
Farewell , Alvin

iaBasketball版主 目眶紅紅報導
the chief editor of iaBasketball, posting this with tears :'(