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Friday, December 2, 2011

time to say goodbye

Dear all

此時的我   或許就像每天中午路克最愛看的海賊王魯夫一樣

When you see this post
that means I am no longer as an active member  of ia
I am just like a famous Japanese comic character, Rufin, 
who is sailing for his great adventures 


Back in these more then two years in ia
Lots Lots of things happened
With Many Many memories ...

像跟你們一起拍  那些年一起追我們的女孩 XD

These are fun stuff 
Like taking a movie poster with you

和Brian Luke Angus 我同學 跟兩名Angus搭訕來的外國女性路人
with Brian Luke Angus , Yoshi's friend and 2 unknown foreign girls

有清涼消暑的 像陪著你們去衝浪
There are cool stuff, like surfing with you

Surfing with Kane ...etc

有痛到要罵髒話的 像陪著你們看著腳踝腫得跟小叮噹一樣
There are 'Damn it' stuff, like watching your ankle became as fat as Doraemon 

和Claire 在她拆掉石膏後
with Claire

有羅漫蒂克的 像陪著你們去看櫻花
There are romantic stuff, like watching sakura  with you

與Angus Will去天元宮賞櫻(第一次認識Angus)
With Angus and Will. (met Angus first time)

有拉噗拉噗(Love Love)的  像陪著你們一起穿情侶裝
There are 'Love Love' stuff, like wear the same jacket with you

與路克 穿著很像情侶裝的外套
With Luke, wear the jacket of the same color

有笑到肚子痛的 像陪你們去看老板不是人
There are hilarious stuff, like seeing the 'Horrible Bosses'  with you

和茶米一起去看 老板不是人
With David, seeing 'Horrible Bosses'

有辛苦的 像陪著你們練罰球
There are hard stuff, like practicing free throw with you

和阿卿 在松山高山練罰球
With Alice, practice free throw

有歡笑的回憶的 像每個星期四的iaBasketball
There are laughter stuff, like iaBasketball every Thursday 

和iaBasketball成員 (請注意裡面有一個會計人員跟嘴砲人員與雷克斯第一次參加喔)
with iaBasketball,(Erica Aloha and Rex joined first time )

有早起的 像早上4點多不睡覺爬起來陪著你們去路跑
There are 'Good Morning' stuff, like don't sleep at 4 AM and wake up to jog with you

和Merlin Luke George Alvin and Jack 參加Seiko總統府路跑
With Merlin Luke George Alvin and Jack, joined Seiko run

有不見不散的 像跟你們一起跑接力 誰沒來害林北要多跑三公里 星期一來他就死定惹.....
There are 'Be there or be square' stuff, like group relay race, "Who doesn't show up tomorrow morning, which makes me have to run 3 extra KMs for you, will be dead on Monday........"

和Roger George Merlin Alice與她朋友Diana 參加愛迪達接力賽
With Roger George Merlin Alice and her friend, Diana, joined Adidas Relay Race

有老鼠屎的 像本來要擺出101,卻因為我搞爛像 I O U....
There are Bug stuff, like we plan to show 101 , but because I screw it up , to make it look like I O U.....
和布蘭登 Merlin Luke Roger 在三星路跑
with Brandon Merlin Luke and Roger, in Samsung race

有激情萬分的 像陪著你們去看棒球 坐兄弟象加油區 然後看兄弟象電掉Lamigo
There are exciting stuff, like watching baseball game with you, sit in the Elephants fans' zone, and watch Elephants beat Lamigo Monkeys.

和George Roger Will Like Tony 到新莊看兄弟象 vs Lamigo 桃猿
With George Roger Will Like Tony, watch Elephants vs Lamigo 

有身在曹營心在漢的  像陪著你們去看棒球 雖然這次坐Lanew加油區,但還是看兄弟打敗Lanew
There are 'Spy' stuff, like watching  baseball game with you again, although this time sit in the Lamigo Monkey fans' zone, but Elephants still beat Lamigo

和Brandon Diane Alvin Luke 到新莊看兄弟 vs Lanew
With Brandon Diane Alvin Luke, watching Elephants vs Lanew again 

有刺激冒險的 像陪著你們去溯溪
There are 'adventure' stuff, like River Tracing with you 
With Ting and his wife, River Tracing in Hualien

有變來變去的 像看著你們從正咩變成人妻再變成酒促小姐 然後變成酒鬼 最後再變回人妻 (累不累呀....)
There are 'character changing' stuff, like watching you become from "Hot girl" -> "Somebody's Wife" -> "Lady Beer"->"Drunkard"-> finally back to "Somebody's Wife"

和Erica ,在Wedding Party 
With Erica, at Wedding Party 

有陪著你們喝酒聊天的 像ia-Beer開團
There are chatting stuff , like ia-Beer 

with ia-Beer, for the first time

有不屈不饒的 像從板橋騎到八里再騎回板橋的逆風鐵馬行
There are 'Never Giving Up' stuff, like cycling from Banchiao to Bali , then from Bali back to Banchian

與Merlin Merlin女朋友 Will騎去八里
with Merlin, his girlfriend and Will cycle to Bali

有忠貞愛國的 像下午有班不上請假去看中華男籃代表隊
There are Patriotic stuff, like you have work to do , but still take PTO to watch Chinese Taipei Basketball Team
和小紅 Angus Fanny Roger Brian去看瓊斯盃男籃賽
With Red Angus Fanny Roger and Brian to watch Jones cup 

有偷偷摸摸的  像明明沒解掉的issue卻回  "It's already fixed!!'
There are Sneaky stuff, like you haven't fix the issue , but replied "It's already fixed!!' on the mailing list....

有要處理像大便一樣的垃圾事的  像老板在晚上七點跟你講 Please fix it by the end of today....
(本人聲明 那是我坐在濕的沙子上)
There are Shit stuff, like Boss told you "Please fix it by the end of today" at 7:00 PM
(Personal Announcement, that's I sit on the wet sand!!)

有痛苦萬分的 像被你們阿魯巴
There are Painful stuff, like being Aluba-ed by you....

被一群人阿魯巴,因為太多人了 我已身心受創 不知道有誰....
Being Aluba-ed by you guys, because there are too many people, I cannot recall who did that ...

有團結的時候 像你們一群人串通起來要阿魯巴我的時候 連隊友都挖洞給我跳
There are "United as one" stuff, like you all want to aluba me.................even my teammate betrayed me......

有甜蜜幸福的 像看著你們變成了偉大的馬麻
There are Wonderful stuff, like seeing you become a great Mom!

和Daisy, 展展剛出生一個月
With Daisy and her son, who just being born 1 month ago.

有報告班長的 像送你們去當兵
There are  "Yes Sir" stuff, like sending you to army

With Tony, who is about going to army training camp

有依依不捨的 像看著多年的好友離職
There are "Unwilling to part" stuff, like seeing best friend leave.....

和Will Ting Merlin , Merlin離職前
With Will Ting Merlin, before Merlin's resign

有難過的,就像現在 要跟你們說聲掰掰.............
There are 'Sad' stuff, like right now, It's my time , time to say goodbye....

曾經有人問我,怎麼我可以把iaBasketball的部落格寫得這麼好?? 要不要開個Talk來跟大家講解一下





I have ever been asked once, "How could you make iaBasketball so nice? Do you want  to give a talk to everyone?" 

I just smile and didn't give her an answer

For I have already known the answer

Because this answer, is already lying between you and me ..

it's because of "You"


你們選擇了與同事分享你自己的生活,而不是只是來單純的來上班  刷卡 下班 再刷卡

你們選擇了與同事一起開心 高興 生氣 難過,而不是來這邊八小時卻連坐你對面的人一句話都不肯聊














而你們對我而言,也已經不是兩個字"同事"可以形容,而是對我來說,很珍貴的兩個字 ...."朋友"

Because of your join ,  ia becomes so energetic 

You choose to share your life with colleagues, instead of  just coming to office, doing work, and going home

You choose to share your laughter and tears with colleagues, instead of even not talking to the guy sitting next to you 

And because of your sharing,  ia can have so many interesting stories

and because of your happiness and bitterness, life in ia can be so colorful

And I , who is just a writer, who writes down every little details happening in every single day for you

As to you may thank me for my blog

I think it's not so much that I am graceful that you change my life

As to you want to thank for my being around

I think it's not so much that I am graceful to your company , that keeping me not alone

Thank you very much

Thank you for consoling me when I am sad

Thank you for comforting me when I am angry

Thank you for being around when I am alone

Thank you for giving me a hand when I need you

I think, in this very moment , the words I'd like to say, is not "ByeBye", is "Thank you!!"

And what you mean to me , is not just the term "Colleagues", but should be "Friends"





看不到我上班閒閒沒事在看 "史上最屌的射門"



就像你們叫我 小黃 叫久了,


In the following days, I may not be around

You cannot see me buying the food at noon

You cannot see me cry when I watch the Japanese drama even I am alone

You cannot see I blogging  even when working

But I shall be by you when you need me 

I will be like your best friends to stand by your side



但我要引用賈伯斯的一句話 "Follow your heart"  分享給大家



而我也沒有在標題寫著 "iaBasketball最終回"



再會了 朋友們~~

Finally, while you are reading this post,  I am about to sail for my greatest adventures

Although a little nervous , a little worry, and a little scared

But I'd like to quote from Steve Jobs, "Follow your heart"

For I believe, I can find my own destiny

And I also believe, by your company, I shall not be alone 

Also I didn't write "The Finale" in the title of this post

For I also believe,  in somewhere in some time 

We will meet again 

So long , my friends 
